IT’S time to reveal the shortlist in our search for Wirral’s best pies.
After launching our new Best of 2022 competition in the Wirral Globe at the end of last month, we wanted to know where to buy the best pies – sweet or savoury.
In our first Best of 2022 category we were looking at the best hair salons, barbers and stylists in Wirral with Dreams Hair Colour Experts in Bromborough coming out on top.
This week, pies were the focus and after receiving dozens of nominations over the weekend we have shortlisted a top five, who will battle it out to be named the best in Wirral.
But now we need your help to choose an overall Best for Pies winner from our shortlist.
There are three ways to vote:
1. Search for the Best Of post on our Wirral Globe Facebook or Instagram pages and comment under the post with the name of your winner = 1 vote
2. Name your favourite in the comments section on this article via our website = 2 votes
3. Purchase a copy of this week’s Wirral Globe (May 11 edition) and fill in the entry form = 5 votes
(*NB For newspaper entries, email a screenshot of the completed entry form to – please note that only original copies will be accepted. More than one entry can be submitted per person but you will be asked to provide your own unique reference code for each entry to avoid duplication eg if your name is Smith you may wish to write Smith123 or HS21! as your code. You will need to provide a different code for each entry submitted. For full terms and conditions go to
Voting officially opens today, Thursday, and closes at midnight on Monday and we will be announcing the winner next week.
Keep an eye out for our next Best Of appeal on our social media pages on Friday, when we will be asking readers who is the best for nails – salon or mobile – in Wirral.
Veronica’s Bakery, Moreton
The nominations for this bakery said it is “amazing” and “provides fresh food daily” so it had to be included in our top five.
For more details go to
Veronica's Bakery, Moreton
G.H. Pearson’s, New Ferry
One happy customer said: “You haven’t had a good, tasty pie unless you’ve tried Pearson’s in New Ferry – they’re the best!”
Another recommended their pork pies above any other so it’s made this week’s shortlist.
For more details go to
Pearson's in New Ferry
Dyll’s Bakery, Birkenhead
Homemade baking that is “without a doubt” the best place to buy a pie in Wirral, according to nominations for this pie shop.
Despite only opening two days a week between 10am and 2pm on a Friday and a Saturday, this bakery is always popular for their pies and sausage rolls.
For more details go to @dyllsbakery on Instagram
Dyll's Bakery, Birkenhead
Whieldon’s Butchers in Higher Bebington
The nominations for Whieldon’s said the butcher’s shop “makes the most gorgeous harvester pie with chicken, bacon and stuffing”.
The family run business has been open since 1957 and has two shops in Wirral – one in Town Lane and one at Claremont Farm.
For more details go to
Whieldon's in Bebington
Dodgshon’s Bakery, New Brighton
This bakery has been owned by Ron and Linda since 1975 and they make fresh produce daily with their pies proving extremely popular.
For more details go to
Dodgshons Bakery, Wallasey