PLANS to turn vacant Wirral flats into a dental practice have been submitted for consideration by councillors.
If given the go ahead, My Dentist (GB) Limited would move into the premises at 485 New Chester Road, Rock Ferry.
The development would also include an extension, which, the applicant says, would add an additional six dental surgery rooms to the current five. There would also be other ‘internal alterations ‘to facilitate the operation of the practice’.
According to a letter submitted along with the planning documents on behalf of the company by Jonah Carty from Rapleys LLP, the property received planning permission for use as a dental practice in 1991. It was partially converted to residential use in 1992, was fully converted in 1998 and is currently vacant.
The letter stated: “Given that the property was originally built for dental practice use and is currently vacant, the principle of redeveloping it back into a dental practice from residential use is considered acceptable.
“The proposed development would not result in a material change to impact the property or the amenities of neigbhouring uses.
“Adequate parking is currently provided on site and the property is easily accessible via public transport.
“There are also a number of residential properties within close proximity to the property and there is, therefore, a significant number of dwellings within walking and cycling distance.
“A number of customers and staff members can therefore access the site via non-car transport modes, eliminating the need for car parking.”
The letter concluded: “After consideration of relevant national and local planning policies, it is considered that this application is policy compliant and will help to revitalise the surrounding area.
“The application is, therefore, considered acceptable in planning terms and there is a compelling case for the granting of permission without delay.”
To read the planning application in full, go to: