WELCOME to Behind the Lens, a feature that shines a light on the talented photographers in our Wirral Globe Camera Club group.
This week, we’re looking at Alison Schultz’s favourite photographs and hearing about her passion for photography.
Alison, who was born and raised in Heswall, has been taking photos for years, since she was a teenager.
If you would like to appear in Behind the Lens, email heidi.summerfield@newsquest.co.uk
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Wirral Globe Camera Club member Alison Schultz
When and why did you take up photography?
I took up photography in my teenage years, working with a series of decent SLR cameras on 35mm film. I used at least two 36 frames every week to practice my skills and settled on a great 29-210mm zoom lens, which gave me great choices. I took a good number of portrait and wedding pics over the years, as well as many landscapes.
Arrowe Park woods
What do you love about taking pictures?
I love the way that a well-planned photo really captures a moment in time and prefer to take a series of shots and choose the best when I get home; the freedom of digital!
St Bartholomew's in the snow
“Photography is a way of being creative and expressing emotion”
Sunset at Oldfield Farm
Where is your favourite place to take pictures and why?
I do love photographing the Wirral coastline because it is so varied.
Pigeons chatting
What is your favourite subject matter and why?
I do love taking photos of family and events, but landscapes are also a massive favourite.
Sunset at Thurstaton Sailing Club
“Spending time in nature is such a gift and the perfect stress reliever”
Lavender at Gilroy Allotments
What do you enjoy about being part of our Camera Club on Facebook?
Facebook and the Camera club is a great way to share the pleasure of our area and the skill of other photographers.
West Kirby sunset
If you could photograph anyone/any place/anything, who/what would it be?
Given a free choice of subject I would love to spend more time in Italy, where the people are so animated and the places so rich in history. The next best thing is to live somewhere as beautiful and varied as Wirral.