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Highway Code – Motorists ‘driving too close’ to horse riders


May 4, 2022

A DAD is warning that some motorists are driving too close to horse riders when overtaking.

In January the Highway Code was updated to provide clear instructions to drivers when overtaking riders.

Rule 129 of the Highway Code states that “you may cross a double-white line if necessary (provided the road is clear) to overtake someone cycling or riding a horse if they are travelling at 10 mph or less.”

New guidance, brought in from January, includes an update on safe passing distances and speeds for people driving or riding a motorcycle when overtaking vulnerable road users, such as horse riders.

Wirral Globe: A video clip of a car that has overtaken a horseA video clip of a car that has overtaken a horse

The guidance says you must “pass people riding horses or driving horse-drawn vehicles at speeds under 10 mph and allow at least 2 metres (6.5 feet) of space”. Reading, Basingstoke, Berkshire

Neston local, Ben Johnson, takes his daughter riding around School Lane in Hooton and along Hooton Road.

He believes some drivers are passing too close to the horse.

The 41-year-old said: “There is potential to spook the horse. If the horse was to spook while another road user was too close, it’s not only the horse that could sustain injury but the driver too.

“There are plenty of very courteous drivers out there but unfortunately it’s the few that ruin it for everyone.”

Wirral Globe:

Ben always ensures that he walks between the horse and traffic with a lead rope clipped on to the hose to prevent any accidents or injuries.

He added: “One thing I have noticed is some people only appear to believe it’s while overtaking a horse you need to slow down, as there are lots that still don’t slow down when travelling towards the horse.

“Not a vast amount has changed since the Highway Code changed which in my opinion is because it wasn’t as well publicised as it could have been.”

To learn more about the Highway Code changes visit here

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