CONCERNS are growing over a missing man who is believed could be in Ellesmere Port.
North Wales Police have shared a missing person appeal as they search for a 37-year-old man called Phillip.
Phillip is believed to be in either the Ellesmere Port or the Flintshire North area.
He has short brown hair and a short brown beard of slim build and was last seen wearing a dark coloured motorcycle coat with lighter stripes down both arms along with vertical lines down from the shoulders to the back, black trousers and black footwear with white soles.
He was last seen driving a Blue Honda 125cc motorcycle in the areas mentioned above.
Police have asked if anyone see’s then to call 999 immediately.
A North Wales spokesperson said: “North Wales Police have a concern for a male by the name of Phillip 37 years old who has been reported missing.
“Phillip is believed to be in either the Ellesmere Port or the Flintshire North area.
“Any sightings of this male, please call 999 immediately and report it to Police so that we can contact him to keep him safe. Please quote 49639.”